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Topic Consumption Insights - November 2022

Trends in Go1 Content Hub Completions - Year on Year View
Carrie Flanagan, Senior Manager, Content Partnerships

We are still diving deep into our library consumption data, to bring you Insights in to how our learners are interacting with content.

This month we are looking at completion data - that is the percentage of enrolled learners that have completed the course in which they enrolled.

Overall we have seen a definitive upward trend in enrolled learners completing their courses. It's a positive trend showing that learners are both engaging in the right content for them and seeing it through to the end.


Lets dig in a little deeper...

The picture changes when we look at the same data set at a topic level - first lets view at Topic Level 1 - this groups into our first line Topic Levels for filtering.

It's interesting to see that, not unexpectedly, Safety & Compliance content leads the way for % completions. Our most improved is Technology Skills, which despite seeing the lowest level of completions overall, is still showing clear year on year growth.


And deeper still...

Let's have a closer look at our completions-leading segment and our back marker.

Safety & Compliance

Although all topic levels are relatively strong, there is fluctuation in completions rates when we dive into Topic Level 2. For Safety & Compliance, we see Crisis Management has taken a large leap forward since 2020, but joins all but Health & Safety in seeing a drop in overall completions since 2021. Perhaps we'll see a race to the finish as learners strive to complete out their Compliance requirements before calendar year end?


Technology Skills

Although Technology Skills are starting from further back in the field, they have seen the highest level of growth. Drilling down to our Topic Level 2, we can see sustained growth across most of these segments, with Devops, Networking and Security delivering the most consistent completion rates over time.

Is there something specific around library-wide consumption metrics you would like us to interrogate in future articles? Reach out to your CPSM or email [email protected] - we'd love to hear your ideas!