🗓 Wednesday 11th August - Friday 13th August | 📍 From anywhere!
The AHRI Convention is an immersive professional learning and networking experience that you can join from the comfort of your home or office. From visionary speakers, to Transform Talks on virtual exhibition floors, to networking hubs - join thousands of professionals from around the world for an epic three days of learning, connecting, engaging, and shaping the future of HR.
Attending? Here’s how you can connect with us:
During this special seminar session, Go1’s ANZ Sales Director, Natasha Burns will talk about how content aggregation can change the way businesses find, consume and deliver training to all employees, at all levels.
When? Thursday 12th August, 11:05 - 11:35am
Stop by and say hi to the team via a 1:1 video chat or online message.
The Go1 team are really looking forward to what promises to be an energizing 3 days of collaboration, ideas, and industry insights. We hope to see you there!