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HR Administration

Your HR team is the beating heart of your organization, working diligently to ensure the rest of your business has everything it needs to operate and grow. A part of the work undertaken by human resources are the time-consuming and sometimes complex admin duties. However, while not particularly glamorous, HR admin is integral, and improving the knowledge and skills of your HR team will improve productivity and efficiency.
Human Resources Administration

What skills are needed for effective HR admin?

HR administrator skills go way beyond organization and time management. In order to be as productive and efficient as possible, HR admin tasks require many skills, including:

  • Organization - HR admin involves using a lot of data, which can be easily lost or interpreted if not organized properly.
  • Communication - a huge part of administration is communication, both verbal and written. Solid communication syncs the entire organization so teams can work together effectively.
  • Multitasking - HR staff have to juggle multiple tasks at the same time, often for long periods of time.
  • Decision making - a big part of working in HR is being able to make decisions - sometimes difficult ones. The ability to make these important decisions with care and consideration is key.
  • Resolve issues - unfortunately, conflicts can arise at any business. HR is responsible for overseeing conflicts and problems so they can be quickly resolved and prevented from reoccurring.
  • Knowledge of ethics and diversity - a diverse and inclusive workforce improves every aspect of your business.
  • Time management - with a lot of responsibilities, careful use of time is vital.
  • Negotiation - HR staff often find themselves mediating, and strong negotiation skills help in difficult situations.
  • Flexibility - despite meticulous planning, things can sometimes go wrong. Being flexible and accepting of change means things don’t have to get derailed.

These HR admin skills are needed alongside broader HR skills, including teamwork, proactivity, active listening, coaching, recruitment, and analytical skills. However, these administration skills ensure HR personnel can work effectively in all aspects of their role. For more information check out our post on what skills are needed to work in HR.

Can training help to improve HR admin skills?

HR admin training courses are a great way for employees to improve their skills and grow their knowledge. Even experienced HR professionals can use training to upskill or refresh, which will improve processes so work can be consistently completed on time and of the highest quality. Some HR admin tasks may not be considered an exciting part of the job - but they’re vital. Training can make the more frustrating aspects of admin more streamlined so they’re no longer as daunting. 

The benefits of training

By ensuring your HR team receives regular training, it develops them into productive and well-rounded employees, which has benefits for both your business and your employees.

Benefits to your business

As employees develop their skills and put them into practice, it allows them to become more efficient. This means they can increase their work performance in a shorter amount of time, meaning:

  • Your business saves time and budget
  • Overall morale and company culture improves
  • Employees across the business can work more effectively
  • They can identify issues early and solve problems quickly
  • Your business can retain employees and promote from within, preventing time-consuming and expensive recruitment processes
  • Improved business-wide communication
  • A smoother onboarding process

Benefits to your employees

By receiving training not only will your HR department feel the benefits, but so will employees across the business, resulting in:

  • Improved HR knowledge
  • A boost in confidence
  • Better support 
  • More collaboration
  • Greater trust and morale in your business
  • An improved level of job satisfaction

Can you take HR administration training online?

Thanks to its convenience, affordability, and flexibility, online HR administration training is a fantastic way to develop your HR team.

As we’ve already highlighted, your HR employees may be balancing a lot of work and little time in which to do it. eLearning allows employees to learn via microlearning, so they can pick up and put down the training in a short amount of time. Not only does microlearning mean day-to-day responsibilities aren’t disrupted, but it doesn’t add additional pressure and improves engagement and retention. Because of this, even with just 15 minutes of time available per week, an hour-long course could be completed in less than a month.

Online training is also cost-effective and can be easily and affordably scaled. That means your entire team can learn from the same high-quality learning materials, and training can be personalized for those who want to develop specific skills.

What are the best online courses to take for improving HR admin skills?

Online HR training courses can cover everything from specific administration tasks to broader skills that also help with admin. Some of the best eLearning courses include:

Other courses that can improve admin skills and processes include:

Learn HR admin skills today with Go1

Ready to upskill and refresh your employees with HR admin training? At Go1, we have a range of eLearning courses available to support your organization’s learning and development program. For more information book a demo with our team today.

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