Over 200 L&D pros shared their biggest challenges and investments in learning. Read the full report

Your content reach on Go1
Read below to understand your data, insights, and content reach with Go1..
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Session Length vs. Listed Duration

The Learning Content table shows you which learning items are being viewed by users and how much time they spend watching them. Metrics to know:

Total Time Spent: The amount of time that a user has spent in a learning item. This gives you a sense of what learners are engaged in.

Unique Users: The number of learners that interacted with your content within the selected date range.

Number of Sessions: The number of legitimate interactions with your learning item

Average Session: Estimated average minutes watched per session for the selected learning item and date range.

How can this data help you as a Content Partner?

Comparing the average session to the course duration can provide insight into the habits of learners. If the average session is much lower than course duration, you might question: 

  • Are learners disengaging early? 
  • Did the topic change? 
  • Does the course meet the learning objectives of the learner?
  • Should the listed duration be more/less to better represent the average engagement?

Browser Optimisation

The Learning Sessions by Browser Usage chart shows you which browsers are being used to view your content, as a proportion of the total time spent learning.  

How can this data help you as a Content Partner?

Comparing the browsers used by learners will allow you to optimise your content for those browsers. To create the best learning experience for users, be sure to browser test all learning items extensively before entering onto the Go1 platform.

Mobile optimisation

The Learning Sessions by Device Type chart shows you which devices are used to view your content, as a proportion of the total time spent learning.

How can this data help you as a Content Partner?  

Comparing the device used by learners will allow you to optimise your content for how the user interacts with your content.

There are two points you may consider when thinking about mobile optimisation:

  1. Will the learner get the same experience when completing my course on mobile? i.e. if there is a text component, will the text be legible on a mobile device?
  2. Where, and how, is this learner engaging with my content if they are on mobile?  i.e. is a learner likely to start a longer duration course, or start ‘bitesize’ learning while they are on their commute to and from work?

Region Usage

The Minutes in Learning by Region chart shows you which countries have the most engagement with your learning items. 

How can this data help you as a Content Partner?

This data provides insights into which parts of the world are most interested in your content. If you see unexpected viewers in regions, such as an Australian provider with views in Europe, you might consider adding localised metadata to make the content more accessible for this audience.

Additionally, you may look to alter your course to make it more globally relevant, i.e switching out domestic brands and/or phrases, for more globally recognisable options. 

Go1 helps expand your reach. Get in touch to learn more about the Go1 Partner program and how to get involved.