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Go1 April 2018 release notes

Liz Hardie

The Go1 team are please to announce the release of the following capability in April 2018, including the My Team Dashboard, Improvements to Notifications and Alerts, and Improvements to Search and Tag Filtering.

Please remember if you have an suggestions for improvements or new features, please email them to [email protected]

Major Features

My Team Dashboard

Managers will now have access to a dashboard called "My Team". This dashboard summarises the activity of a manger learners so to enable better tracking of learner activity against their goals.

The features of the dashboard are:

  • The ability for a Manager to view, search and sort through a list of the Users they manage.
  • The ability for a Manager to view a tally of their users progress against the goals associated with that learner, including whether a users enrolment status for a standalone LO/LI is; in Progress, Upcoming (which means the completion due date is within the next 7 days) or overdue.
  • The ability for a Manager to click to see a report of the data used to calculate their User's progress.
  • Importantly for the My Team dashboard to work, you must ensure you assign yourself as a manager for your learners (Refer to the last video).

Improvements to Notifications and Alerts

Based on your feedback, the platform has been improved to better alert users about key learning milestones. This feature includes in-app portal notifications and email notifications to act as reminders of scheduled due dates, events and expiry dates.

The features of the addition of notifications are:

Portal administrators will be able to:

  • Enable/disable in-app and email notifications for Learners, Managers & Assessors.
  • Edit several Learner notifications.
  • Dependent on the portal administrators selection, it will mean:

Learners may receive an in-app & email notification:

  • When they are scheduled a standalone learning-item
  • When a due date is scheduled for them and/or that date is edited
  • When an external learning record created by a learner is edited and/or passed by someone else

Learners, Managers and Assessors may receive an in-app & email notification:

  • Prior to, on the day of, and 2 days following the expiry of a scheduled due date if the enrolment is NOT completed.
  • 3 days prior to and on the start date of an event in which they are enrolled or are the assessor, with the details of that event
  • When 75% of the duration of the award enrolment period has passed and when the enrolment expiry date has passed

Improvements to Search and Tag Filtering

Changes to the tag and filtering functions will now allow for learners to more easily search, filter and sort through available content to find what is most relevant to them.

The features of the search and filters changers for learners are:

  • The ability to see the content in explore sorted by the latest published date
  • The ability to search for content and then sort the results by the option Ranking/Most relevant.
    before you see the and Premium tags.
  • When filtering search results for scheduled content, as a learner you can filter based location or date.

Minor Improvements

Learners previous enrolments will be visible, allowing their competition history to accurately reflect the work they have completed.

Awards can now have tags showing items mandatory for completion 

Improved card display for courses with multiple events

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where continue button on course overview did not work.
  • Resolved issue where assessor feedback did not show on occasion
  • An issue was fixed that stopped users from saving updates to learning items.
  • Fixed an issue that applied a discount to only 1 course when trying to apply to many.
  • Fixed issues where assignment resubmissions didn’t appear for assessors.
  • Resolved an issue where completed Awards did not appear as complete.
  • Resolved an issue where seats decreased across multiple events when assigning a seat for a single event.
  • Resolved some intermittent course completion issues.
  • An issue was resolved where an Iframe in a text resource would not save.


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If you have any questions about any of the updates and improvements listed above, please let us know

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