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#LTDX21: Influencing change - 5 new L&D approaches to thinking for 2021 

Thu 18th Feb 2021
Virtual Conference
Join Laura Overton as she shares 5 new thinking habits to help practitioners at all levels work smarter and influence change.    

Seminar #2 of 3

Go1 exhibiting at LTDX21

In the upcoming Learning Technologies Conference 2021 (LTDX21), Go1 is excited to be running a series of seminars that will tackle the big questions around supporting the new realities of workplace learning. We will also have our very own virtual booth where we invite you to come along and chat with us about latest technologies transforming the corporate learning world.

Influencing change - 5 new L&D approaches to thinking for 2021 

Date: Thursday 18th February  

Time:  10:30am - 11:15am GMT 

Duration: 45mins (15min Q&A) 

Access: Premium Pass required

As we enter 2021, L&D have the opportunity to add new levels of business value into the continually changing world of work. But how do we how do we cut through the noise to surface the priority actions that will deliver in YOUR workplace?   

Laura Overton was the driving force behind a 15-year global research program to uncover how learning innovation can improve business value. During 2020 she has been part of a team exploring how we can emerge stronger as a result of the challenges we’ve been facing. Combining insights from global experts, seasoned practitioners over the last 6 months of 2020 with her research findings, she will share 5 new thinking habits to help practitioners at all levels work smarter and influence change. 

Join us in this interactive conversation to explore: 

  • The essential starting point 
  • 5 new thinking habits! 
  • Which of my thinking habits are keeping me chained to the past? 
  • What practical approaches do I need to adopt or accelerate to increase business value? 
  • Influencing change - if I only do one thing differently - what should it be? 

About the speaker


Laura Overton, Award winning L&D Analyst, Facilitator, and Author 

Laura Overton is an award-winning learning analyst dedicated to uncovering and sharing effective practices in learning innovation that lead to business value. The author of over 40 reports and hundreds of articles, her work is based on 30 years of practical experience and a commitment to supporting evidence-based learning decisions. As the founder and original CEO of Towards Maturity, she is also known for leading a 15-year longitudinal study program (2004 – 2019) with thousands of Learning leaders and workers around the globe to uncover and share learning strategies that lead to business success. 

Go1 helps millions of people in thousands of organizations engage in learning that is relevant, effective and inspiring.
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