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The best way to get your white card

Kerrie-Anne Chinn, Content & Editorial Manager

If you plan on working in Australia’s construction industry, you’ll need to complete compulsory ‘white card’ training.

This white card certification shows prospective employers that you have passed mandatory general construction safety training – which is incredibly important for your own safety, as well as the safety of other workers around you.


As a nation-wide accreditation, your white card makes it easy for you to work across borders, being recognised in all Australian states and territories. So whether you’re working in Queensland, NSW or WA, you’ll be asked to show white card certification before stepping onto any job site.

Keen to find out the best way to get your white card? Here’s all the information you need to know.

What is a white card?

As you’re no doubt aware, when it comes to working in the construction industry, safety is paramount. It’s vital that all employees are aware of safe work practices and principles, to avoid any dangers to themselves and others.

Australian construction workers must have specific knowledge of personal protection equipment (PPE), safety and hazard signs, risk management, and workplace injury management. White card training provides all workers with up-to-date information on these important subjects, which helps construction workers to know exactly how to act appropriately in any workplace situation.

Through white card training, you’ll also cover important legal topics such as workers compensation, OH&S legislative requirements, and incident reporting procedures. You might think you’ll never need to use this kind of information, but it’s always best to be prepared!

White card accreditation is mandatory for all workers in the construction industry, including trainees/apprentices, tradespersons, labourers, and self-employed contractors working under their own ABN.

How do I get a white card?

You’ve established you need to get a white card – so how do you go about it?

To get your white card certification, you’ll need to complete the accredited white card training course, which can be done either in a face-to-face classroom environment or online.

With face-to-face training, you’ll attend a one-day session, after which you’ll be presented with your certification.

If you’d rather complete your course online, you can simply log in and go through the training materials at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home. Online white card courses take about three to six hours to complete, and upon completion you’ll receive your white card accreditation.

The benefits of getting your white card online

Online learning is fast becoming the preferred method of training for many organisations. Workers across all industries, including construction, can benefit from the convenience of online (or eLearning) courses.

When you choose to take your white card training online, you’ll know that the course is up-to-date and complies with all federal mandatory requirements. And you’ll be able to access the online materials 24/7, meaning you can complete the course at your leisure, at a time and place that suits you.

More workplace safety and compliance training

For employers, having staff complete courses online is an efficient and effective training solution. It’s not just white card training that can be accessed online – check out the many workplace safety courses on the Go1 platform.

Through our online WH&S and compliance courses, you can dramatically reduce the risk of workplace incidents across your organisation. By committing to employee health and safety you’ll also be lowering the chance of financial implications for your business.

Go1 helps millions of people in thousands of organizations engage in learning that is relevant, effective and inspiring.
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