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Connecting and engaging with future-fit skills – 5 principles for success

There's been increasing talk in the L&D industry around becoming 'future-fit.' But what does it really mean? And how do we help organisations to become future fit? In episode 27 of the Go1 podcast, we explore five principles to help your workplace find future-fit success.
Courtney Norton, Content Writer

There's been increasing talk in the L&D industry around helping organisations to become 'future-fit'. But what does it really mean? How do we help organisations to provide their learners, not just workplace leaders, with the essential skills they need to become future-fit? In episode 27 of the Go1 podcast, Craig Hamill is joined by L&D experts Laura Overton and Shannon Tipton as they take a deep dive into five principles to have your workplace find future-fit success.

Check out some of the highlights from their discussion below.

What's important to the audience

It's no secret that if we want learners to engage with our content, we need to make sure it's of interest to them. The more interested they are, the more likely they are to be motivated.

Here, Laura Overton explains that we need to start by asking ourselves the question: what is important to our audience? She then goes on to highlight the importance of solving 'business challenges' rather than 'learning challenges' when it comes to asking this question.

The power hour tool

When it comes to L&D in the workplace, reflection can be more powerful than we may think. Laura Overton explains that she's developed a tool to help learners and leaders reflect on the learning they've done. She continues by explaining that it can be vital in helping to form new habits and gives learners permissions to learn and grow.

Keen to see the toolkit for yourself? Download your copy here.

Effective application of principles

Here, Shannon Tipton breaks down the process of applying the first principle in the process using the topic of 'resilience' as an example. She explains the value of asking the right questions and how it can make finding the right content and courses, much easier. Shannon continues by talking about how this is an effective way to work out what people actually need in front of them when learning.

If you haven't already, you can listen to the full podcast here to learn more.

Want to hear more? Browse the full Learning with Go1 podcast library on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, or Spotify to help expand your knowledge of all things L&D. And hear how other organisations are navigating through this ever-evolving landscape.

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