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Go1 Product update: catch up on all the exciting new features launching in November 🚀

Erin O'Connor

It’s time to let you know about all the exciting new features launching in November! Read the round-up of Go1 product news and updates, right here!


🚀 User management improvements - you asked, we listened

First up, our latest update will help make your learning management experience even better, by giving Admins and Managers the ability to view (all) enrolments of a learner.

Admins and Managers can now access a learner's enrolment history in the reports section. Simply click on the quick access menu (the three dots) next to the learner's completion record to reveal the enrolment history for a course and also download the certificates.

As an Admin or Manager, this means you can now quickly and easily view all historical enrolment information of your users and download their certificates. Previously this view could only be seen by individual learners. This update will enable easier reporting, particularly for any audit checks, and better record keeping!


These updates have been informed by your needs directly, so we look forward to hearing your feedback! 

In other learning management release news: 

  • We received lots of feedback when we released the learning transcript feature earlier this year, so we’ve extended this feature further to allow Managers to download their users’ learning transcripts.
  • We are also supporting more file extensions when users are uploading Submissions - you can now upload rtf files and .pages files which were previously unsupported. 

🚀 Say hello to new content auto-suggestions on your portal! 

The eagle-eyed amongst you may have already spotted an exciting change to the portal search bar.


Now, when you start typing your search via the search bar,  you will see a drop-down list of suggested topics, terms, and phrases related to your keyword search, plus specific course/resource titles. 

Watch this space, as we will also be releasing related search keywords later in November as well! We are super excited about our new search features, which can help save you time when looking for content and support your content discovery journey. 

🚀 News on the personalised learning recommendations feature

You would have received an email last month about the personalised learning updates that were set to land in all portals. The updates to recommendations have been in early access for a few months now. 

Since sending that email, we have received some feedback from our early access users that has inspired us to do some more work on this feature before releasing to all customers - to make sure we are bringing you the best experience. 


Never fear, this release is still shipping soon and you can expect to enjoy:

  • New recommended content block on portal dashboards - if the Suggested Courses for you setting is switched on in Portal Settings.
  • New topics of interest form, which when completed will adjust the content suggestions users see on their dashboard.  
  • New account setting called Recommendations, where users can manage their interests.  

Read the post to find out more.


In other news from the Product Team:

In case you missed it, Go1's 1-Player is coming soon - November 5th! With the aptly named 1-Player, we've reimagined your learning experience on the Go1 platform. 

The new feature will allow users to undertake learning across all courses and standalone resources in one streamlined and modern interface. Keep an eye out for more information next week, this is an exciting one!

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Go1 helps millions of people in thousands of organizations engage in learning that is relevant, effective and inspiring.
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