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Building blocks in a linear progression

Is your L&D team building the skills to meet company performance objectives?

In episode 19 of the Learning with Go1 podcast Senior Learning EdTech Transformation Strategist, Lori Niles-Hofmann, shares her insights into what the leading L&D teams are doing well... and not so well. 
Mikaela Gladden, Content Writer

What is your organisation doing to equip and empower employees with the right skills to succeed in the new working environment? 

In episode 19 of the Learning with Go1 podcast, Senior Learning EdTech Transformation Strategist, Lori Niles-Hofmann, shares her insights into what the leading L&D teams are doing well, and how they're transforming company performance through their learning programmes. 

Check out some of our favourite highlights from the conversation below.   

What are some of the key themes of L&D right now? 

For many people and organisations, 2021 has been described as a ‘limbo year’. A lot of people were hoping that the pandemic and the aftermath would end abruptly, that we could all move on from it and get back to normal, but that certainly hasn’t been the case. In the clip below, Lori highlights three things that L&D are dealing with right now. 

How are successful companies approaching digital transformation?

“Everybody has their own nirvana, but you must understand it from the user's perspective. It's not about you. It doesn't matter what you may want as an L&D function, or even as a business function. You must see it from the other side and what is going to work for the learner.” 

Lori explains what successful companies have been doing when it comes to digital transformation below. 

The Learning Triage 

When time and resources are tight, how can we identify projects that drive business value versus those that don’t?   

The Learning Triage, first developed by Lori Niles-Hofmann and Amanda Nolen, makes it easier for you to identify the business opportunities around you that deliver the best value. Lori tells us more about the Learning Triage below. 

💡 Learn more about the Learning Triage and download your free copy here 

As we move into 2022, L&D needs to be intentional about learning. No more learning for the sake of learning. But rather, what skills gaps do you have as an organisation, and how can you provide people with real development opportunities? 

If you haven’t already, listen to the full podcast for actionable takeaways to consider for your own learning organisation.  

We look forward to continuing the rest of the series, with L&D professionals already scheduled to join us from Cyprus, Egypt, Oman, Finland, the Netherlands, Australia, the USA, and many more. Stay tuned!   

Want to hear more? Browse the full Learning with Go1 podcast library on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, or Spotify to help expand your knowledge of all things L&D and hear how other organizations are navigating this ever-evolving landscape.  

Go1 helps millions of people in thousands of organizations engage in learning that is relevant, effective and inspiring.
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