May 20th Go1 Premium Playlist!
Check out Go1's latest updates. We have one new content provider launched and some new content added from some of our existing providers!

NEW: Global Premium Providers
Go1 welcomes Security Innovation
Security Innovation have launched with 12 interactive courses in Premium and many more coming soon! Security Innovation courses solve software security from every angle: whether fix-driven assessments or novel training, to learn and never forget, they make risk reduction a reality.
Security Innovation courses:
Information Privacy - Protecting Data and Classifying Data
- These courses equip employees to understand what constitutes private data and recognize the importance of behaving in a proactive manner to protect this information in their everyday work.
Phishing Awareness
- This security awareness course is intended to teach learners how to recognize malicious email before it can become a threat. Through participating in this course, learners will be able to understand the various ways in which attackers try to trick and entice users to trigger malicious events through email, as well as best practices to properly handle and avoid phishing attacks.
Other courses include:
- Travel Security, Password Security, Physical Security
- Information Privacy and Security Awareness for Executives
- And more!

More courses from some old favourites:
GRC, back by popular demand, has added 5 new courses!
GRC Solutions are a leader in online compliance training. They work closely with high-profile industry experts to make sure their content is legally accurate and mirrors the latest developments in each area. Available in Global Premium.

New courses:
Corporate Governance Listed and Corporate Governance Unlisted
- Based on GRC Solution's general Corporate Governance course, these training courses look at the specific duties that subsidiaries and listed companies or unlisted companies have under the current laws. The courses include comprehensive analysis of the source of corporate governance requirements, the duties owed by directors and officers of organisations, and to whom those duties are owed.
- Approximately 1 hour 30 minutes of learning per course
Financial Services
- The financial services industry has undergone major reform over the past decade. This course explains the requirements in plain, engaging English. Financial services covers a wide range of activities, including banking, superannuation, insurance, managed investments, options, derivatives, securities, broking, futures and other financial investments.
- Approximately 1 hour 30 minutes of learning per course
Environmental Compliance
- Environmental law is notoriously complex. It runs across various jurisdictions and imposes a large number of obligations on companies. Offences carry great penalties and, with managers and directors being personally liable, the exposed risk in this area is huge. This course creates awareness of the potential risks, exploring the basics of environmental law and its imposed obligations, and explains how they should be referred to.
- Approximately 1 hour 50 minutes of learning
National Consumer Credit Protection
- In 2010, state and territory-based credit laws were moulded into a national approach known as the National Consumer Credit Code. With it, a large range of requirements and obligations were added, leaving many to wonder how their organisation would be affected. This course explains in plain English what the main requirements are and how to comply with them.
- Approximately 1 hour 30 minutes of learning

LearnNowOnline has added a new course!
LearnNowOnline is a provider of IT Skills and Developer courses which range from beginner (eg non-technical employees learning to code) to advanced (IT professionals perfecting existing or learning new skills). Their content is created by respected industry experts and is great for developers, system admins, and anyone learning to code or improve their basic IT skills. Available in Global Premium.

New series: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
This is a 7-part series, which givers learners a general overview of the AWS Cloud. This path is intended for individuals in technical, managerial, sales, purchasing, or financial roles. Prerequisites for this series: an Amazon Web Services Account and an understanding of web technologies will be helpful.
- Part 1) Introduces you to the AWS cloud as well as how to setup your environment and create your first user. It finishes with using Multi-Factor authentication for AWS.
- Part 2) Covers setting up your first EC2, as well as configuring Network ACL, and Elastic Block Storage.
- Part 3) Covers Load Balancing, Tagging and Autoscaling for your site to respond intelligently to use. it also explores all the ins and outs of S3 storage.
- Part 4) Starts with how CloudWatch monitors your site and what it's capable of. Then it covers DNS monitoring and Analysis with Route 53 and finally touches on serverless computing with AWS Lambda.
- Part 5) This course explores content delivery with Amazon CloudFront as well as how to administer your infrastructure as code with Cloud Formation. It finishes with video and image analysis in AWS Rekognition.
- Part 6) This course starts off with how to build a well-architected framework as well as the total cost of ownership. It concludes with AWS documentation, and billing.
- Part 7) This course wraps up the series by first talking about the shared responsibility model: what you as a customer and what Amazon as a provider are responsible for.

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