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Most popular courses of January – July 2018: viable ways to improve your training

John Sherman

During the first half of 2018, a lot of people took advantage of online training courses, and experts anticipate that even more will jump on board for the second half of the year. Indeed, from 2017 to the current date, the popularity of e-learning has skyrocketed.


Instead of taking just any training courses, it is essential that you select them from a trusted source. With award-winning online courses, Go1 has become the best place to turn to for upskilling and educating you and your team on compliance issues.

Professionals who create online courses bring years of experience and expertise to the table, which is critical, especially when covering compliance topics. For instant enrollment and to enjoy these top-rated online training courses, visit the Go1 Premium website.

After reviewing the best courses for 2018, five, in particular stand out.

1. Compliance – Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity 

With this online training course, you will gain tremendous insight and a wealth of information specific to equal employment opportunity and discrimination, and how they affect the workplace. Although this course only takes about 20 minutes to complete, a top expert developed it, giving you the most “bang for the buck.”

As a manager, supervisor, or business owner, you must comply with various compliance laws and regulations. Ongoing training is crucial if you want to remain compliant with current Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws.

This compliance training course covers a variety of topics, including affirmative action, diversity, harassment prevention, planning, tracking, deployment, and more. The creator of this course designed the material around legal requirements. Because of that, you can implement everything you learned into your business practices, knowing that you follow the most current compliance requirements.

In fact, with this training course, you can better address regulatory requirements and prepare your business if audited by a federal agency. As with many governmental policies, EEO changes periodically. Therefore, it is critical that you understand the changes and make the appropriate modifications to the methods used for hiring and termination within your company.

2. Compliance – Privacy Awareness

This online training course focuses specifically on privacy awareness compliance laws. Providing a high-level overview of the key components, you can ensure your company complies with current regulations.

Developed by a top leader in privacy awareness compliance issues, you can incorporate the information you learn into your company’s privacy training program. That way, you have the confidence that both new hires and existing employees understand the data privacy practices that your company expects them to follow.

Although this privacy awareness compliance course covers a broad range of topics, some of the more critical components include what privacy is, why it matters, current laws (national and international), principles, security, and responsibility. Staying compliant with privacy awareness dramatically reduces any risk while building trust with the customers you serve. With trust, you can expect to see an increase in the number of consumers who choose your business over another one.

3.     Compliance – Bullying, Harassment, and Sexual Harassment

Thanks to public education and stricter laws, there are fewer instances of workplace bullying, harassment, and sexual harassment. However, because this problem still exists, you want to do everything in your power to prevent it from happening within your company.

An excellent way to learn more on this subject and ensure you stay compliant with current laws and regulations is to take this online training course. Because you agree that there is no place for bullying, harassment, and sexual harassment in the work environment, to remain compliant you need to learn what to look for and the rules to establish to prevent bad things from happening.

This particular course offers an overview of behaviour considered bullying, harassment, and sexual harassment. Not only will you learn what actions to look for but by adding this information to your employee training manual, your team will understand what these three things are, how to avoid doing them, and what action to take if faced with one or all three of these issues.

4.     Compliance – Discrimination and Harassment for California and Connecticut Managers

If you work in a managerial or supervisory position in the state of California or Connecticut, you need to complete this online course. Both states require people in this position of authority to complete two hours of manager training. The course includes content taken from the creator’s standard manager course, as well as material required by California and Connecticut state laws, AB1825 and AB2053, respectively.

Included in this course is material for a broad range of topics such as working in a managerial or supervisory position, the correct way of responding to complaints of discrimination or harassment, collecting proper documentation, conducting an internal investigation, and understanding and preventing acts of retaliation.

Also included is material specific to abusive conduct within the workplace, avoiding discrimination during the hiring process, ways that people unintentionally create a hostile environment, and personal liability.

This online training course covers even more such as workplace diversity, immigrant workers’ rights, gender and sexual orientation issues that arise in the work environment, domestic violence at work, and technology used as a medium for discrimination and harassment.

This training course will prepare you as a manager or supervisor in the state of California or Connecticut to prevent bullying, harassment, and sexual harassment at work.

5.     Social Media in the Workplace

People use social media everywhere, including the workplace. Instead of viewing this as something bad, learn how to harness its power to benefit your company. In place of the “word of mouth” method, people use “Tweets,” “Likes,” and “Shares” on popular social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, among others.

Take an online training course that addresses how social media can positively affect your company. Use the material covered to encourage your employees to share positive events and opinions. For example, if you have a company team-building event, make sure you take a lot of photos and then share with your team. They can then use those photos on various social media sites to talk about the day of fun and education they had with other employees at the company.

The fact is that you can use social media to your advantage. With an online training course, you will learn how to accomplish that goal. Through tweets, likes, and shares, you can get information out about your company and its values. In exchange, that creates an opportunity to build trusted relationships with customers.

Go1 helps millions of people in thousands of organizations engage in learning that is relevant, effective and inspiring.
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