As technology has advanced over the past decade, recording your own videos has become easier than ever! We all have a device that can record high definition video sitting in our pockets, yet most of us don't know how to use these devices to their full potential. Video is now the go to communication tool across the world, and with a few tricks and some basic equipment, you can learn how to shoot professional quality video.
Screen recordings are fantastic, but when you can put the face of your instructor into the video, engagement levels are going to rise. Speaking in front of a camera can be tough to begin with, but like anything; the more you do it, the better you get, and it's a great skill to have.
With the use of a green screen you can transform your home office into a production studio, creating a more engaging and informative environment to present your content, and record videos or interviews that can be included in your course modules. Once you have mastered the basics that we cover in this tutorial, you can then move on to more advanced editing techniques that will allow you to increase your audience engagement.
In this post we are going to tech you how to record your own green screen video and audio, as well as walking you through how to edit everything together.
To set up your own studio similar to the one featured in the video above, you will need the following items that can easily be ordered online through Amazon:
If you have any questions about how to set up your green screen or other equipment, feel free to contact me on Twitter and I'd be happy to hep you get up and running!