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The value of connection in leadership

There's no doubt of the extremely important role that leaders play in the workplace. But what is the secret for helping our leaders to create spaces where ideas are heard and employees thrive? Episode 29 of the Go1 podcast offers insight into and attempts to answer the question: what makes a human leader?
Courtney Norton, Content Writer

There's no doubt of the extremely important role that leaders play in the workplace. But what is the secret for helping our leaders to create spaces where ideas are heard and employees thrive? The answer may be to explore a more human approach. But how do we do that?

In episode 29 of the podcast, Go1's Head of Social Impact Cameron Cliff is joined by Head of Consulting at Bailey & French, Anthony Fitton. Together, they offer insight into and attempt to answer the question: what makes a human leader?

Check out some highlights from the discussion below.

The value of connection in leadership

Human leadership is all about connecting with the people around you in your everyday work life. When leaders ask themselves the right questions, making these connections and therefore becoming a more human leader gets much easier.

Here, Anthony Fitton explains exactly what questions leaders should be asking themselves to assist with achieving more human leadership in the workplace. He then continues by discussing how the world of hybrid work both affects and is affected by a human leadership approach.

The changing customer and employee

Whether we like to admit it or not, we're constantly being influenced and this influence is affecting the expectations of both employees and customers. Anthony then goes on to explain how not adjusting to align with some of these expectations could potentially lead to workplaces and their leaders becoming out of touch.

Creating a connection

This section of the podcast sees Anthony explain that by simply checking in with your team and asking about their lives outside of work, leaders can create a deeper connection and become more human. He goes on to discuss how it shows that you appreciate that person for who they are and not just for what they do at work. This can then cause positive knock on effects which can open doors leaders may not have even thought about otherwise.

If you haven't already, you can listen to the full podcast here to learn more.

And be sure to listen to Part 1 of this podcast where Cam and Anthony discuss inspiring a workplace culture of inclusivity and belonging.

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