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Top 5 courses to help entrepreneurs

John Sherman

A helping hand from those who have been there and done it is never a bad idea. For entrepreneurs looking to get the next step up, there are many courses available to help in the department.

The internet is a great source of information, but sometimes it’s awash with too many “100% guarantees” and “Make a Million in 30 Days” offers.


To save you the trouble, we’ve searched through only the most reliable sources to give you a quality list of the Top 5 Courses to Help Entrepreneurs. They won’t hold your hand and do the heavy lifting for you, but they can certainly set you off on the right path.

Let’s go.

#1: Taking the Next Step in Leadership: An Introduction to Becoming an Organizational Champion

About the program:

This course helps entrepreneurs understand and implement the organizational strategies of the most effective leaders in industry today. This course is based on Mike Thompson's hit book, the organizational champion, and these modules will help you place your organization on a path to overcoming obstacles and difficulties as you begin to grow.

The course objectives include:

  • Understanding how Organizational Champions differ from leaders
  • Defining the four characteristics within the ECChO Model
  • Describing the benefits that each Champion characteristic brings to an organization

#2:   Management Lessons From Steve Jobs and Richard Branson

Both of these incredible entrepreneurs have been incredibly successful in no small part due to their unique approaches to management. This course gives you an up close look into these two powerful and fascinating men and gives you insights into the management philosophies that help them build their brands.

If you are an entrepreneur then understanding how your management style affects your company is paramount.

Here's why:

In the very beginning years your company culture is going to be what attracts talent to your new opportunity. If you have a management style that does not engage and motivate your employees in the right way, they simply will not stick around.

This course gives you access to two exclusive interviews, two quizzes and further reading to help you down the road.

#3 How To Build a Business Model For a Startup Company

So you have an idea and you think it may become the next AirBnB or Uber. What do you do from here?

The truth is that failure rate for startups is astronomical and if you want to have any hope of becoming profitable and actually having a successful business on your hands then you need to have a bulletproof business model.

This course will show you how to build the perfect business model for your startup, explain why you need to develop one in the first place, and show you how to build and cultivate your initial customer base.

Inside you get access to exclusive video explaining how to build a great company, step-by-step, a comprehensive article on validating your business model, and a quiz to help you retain the information you learned.

#4: Building a Business - Financial Projections For Startups

Here's the truth:

Your startup needs to have real metrics that backup the rest of your projections. Without a bulletproof financial section of your business plan then you have very little hope of actually gaining financing for your company.

Even if you decide you don't need to take on a bank loan or find angel investors, you should absolutely take the time to go through your financials so that you can make better decisions in the critical months and years ahead as you're starting out.

This course gives you everything you need to know to create  the financial portion of your business plan, and lets you know what obstacles to look out for as you move ahead.

#5: Startup Business: How To Raise Seed Capital

Most companies will need some form of “war chest” when they are created. This startup capital is the bare minimum you require to like the spark that will ignite your entrepreneurial engine and take you where you want to go. This program shares key insights into how you can raise up to $50,000 for your startup.

You'll get access to a cash flow template, information about key funding sources, a partnership checklist and much, much more.

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Raise the seed capital you need to get started with your business…
  • Know where to find the money you need for your business…
  • Understand the critical psychology behind gaining startup funding…

You can get access to all of these courses and hundreds of thousands more when you browse our marketplace at go1.com.  We've created a one-stop portal where you can find the most effective e-learning courses and materials for your organization, whether you're a startup or part of a multibillion-dollar corporation.

Online learning has proven to be one of the most effective ways to train your staff and become more competitive in today's business climate.

Click here to explore our marketplace and find the right training courses for your organization today!


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