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Project Management

Project management training can help provide employees with an understanding of the skills needed for moving any project in the right direction. At Go1, we offer a wide range of online learning resources which cover all aspects of project management, including how to create objectives, prioritise goals, organise tasks, and time manage projects – while also sticking to budgets and available resources.
Project Management Courses

Many employees undertake project management responsibilities even if their role isn’t as specific as that of a project manager. It involves planning and organizing to ensure a task is completed on time and on budget, and that all resources are in place for that to happen. 

Whether it’s a single, one-off project, or continuous, ongoing projects, skills in project management are vital in order for a business to have confidence that its employees can deliver.

While project management is something that takes precedence in industries such as engineering and construction, many industries and businesses will benefit from employees sitting project management training.

By providing employees with the opportunity to obtain a project management certification, you’re equipping them with everything they need to ensure projects run smoothly, and your teams work as efficiently as possible.

What are the 5 stages of project management?

As we’ve already discussed, project management is usually associated with industries that undertake large-scale projects. However, even businesses that work to shorter timelines and on smaller-scale projects will benefit from upskilling employees to have an understanding of project management.

Regardless of the industry or the project, there are always five stages to project management:

  1. Initiation
  2. Planning
  3. Execution
  4. Monitoring
  5. Closure

While a project may have a dedicated project manager who will oversee each of these stages, these skills shouldn't be limited to just an individual. Other members of the team having an understanding of the core principles will help them to work more efficiently and effectively.

Project management training programs are a flexible and cost-effective way for all employees to learn more about the subject. Introductory training courses are designed to teach employees the basics, while advanced courses are perfect for upskilling and developing existing professionals.

Why would all employees benefit from learning project management skills?

Many industries work on projects of varying sizes, all of which would benefit from employees having a good understanding of project management. Because, everything employees do relates to a project of some kind, even if it’s not immediately obvious.

Even your business’s social committee works on projects. For example, an office party requires a budget, a time frame, a team, a schedule, and the ability to overcome challenges. With the right skills, organizing that party should be no trouble for trained employees.

Any project or task that requires planning, input from multiple employees, and monitoring. will benefit if those working on it have an understanding of project management.

What is a project management course?

Project management courses are taken to learn either the fundamentals or upskill existing project managers who are looking to develop.

Project management courses can be taken by:

  • Those looking to start a new career
  • Employees looking to learn the fundamentals to aid with organizational and planning skills
  • Professional project managers looking to learn new skills and refresh their knowledge

And because processes, technology, and tools are always changing, regular training is necessary to ensure employees on all levels are fully equipped to take on and manage projects.

What is a project management course all about?

Depending on the level of course undertaken, training will cover a combination of the following:

  • Budgets
  • Planning
  • Organization
  • Defining scope
  • Time management
  • Communication
  • Risk management
  • Management/leadership skills
  • Delegation

The best project management training will use a combination of teaching methods and materials to ensure all students can learn regardless of their preferred learning method.

Courses can be undertaken in person, but this can be difficult to organize for larger teams, as well as expensive. Online courses are affordable, flexible, and provide the same material to every colleague enrolled on the course, who are then free to learn as and when it suits them.

Why take a project management course?

For your employees, taking an online project management course will provide them with the skills they need to successfully oversee or take part in small or large-scale projects. They will be able to improve:

People management

Most projects require various members of the team from multiple departments who all need to coordinate. A project management course will teach students how to lead a team and how and what to prioritize.


To lead a team, communication is key. Students will understand more about effective communication methods when dealing with colleagues of all levels. Communication is a topic in many project manager courses.

How they set expectations

An off-shoot of communication is how to deal with stakeholders. Establishing realistic expectations is vital, especially with key stakeholders who will undoubtedly push for tighter deadlines and budgets.

Planning and goal setting

One of the major skills needed to be a solid project manager is the ability to make a realistic plan with achievable (yet ambitious) goals and timelines. This also involves managing budgets, teams, and resources. A good communicator can bring a team together, which helps with achieving goals.

As part of this, keeping thorough records is important. They help a project manager manage budgets and timelines, which can be used to liaise with stakeholders and undertake risk assessments.

Risk assessment

Despite meticulous planning, there are sometimes unexpected risks and challenges. But training will allow an employee to foresee risks, and help them to deal with them should they arise.


To get things done, a good project manager will need to be resourceful and a good problem solver. That means they’ll need solid procurement skills and the ability to think on their feet.

How they utilize tools

Without a sound understanding of spreadsheets and other project management tools, a project manager will struggle to get everything in order. By improving their IT skills they’ll improve their processes and productivity.

How do project management courses benefit your business?

As well as having benefits to your employees, training provides plenty of benefits to your business.

Increases efficiency

By providing employees with training through project management courses, they’ll learn new skills and ways of working that will improve their efficiency. When working more efficiently, your business will be able to meet deadlines on time and on budget.

Increases productivity

When your employees can work more efficiently, that in turn means they’ll also be more productive. With increased productivity, your businesses will be able to solve problems faster and decrease downtime.

Improves quality

As well as ensuring work is delivered on time and on budget, training will help with the quality of the work delivered. With better organization and productivity there will also be an increase in the quality of the work produced.

What is the best online course for project management?

Online project management courses offer the opportunity for employees to learn and refresh skills. Depending on the level of experience, students will want to consider either an introductory or an advanced course.

But what project management course is best for both new project managers and experienced professionals?

The best online project management courses for professionals

For professionals, technical project management or web project management courses are a great way to refresh and upskill. Some of the best courses for professionals include:

Short project management courses are designed to be undertaken during periods of downtime and are completely self-directed. That means they don’t interrupt daily responsibilities.

The best project management courses for beginners

Those with no prior experience will want to take a course that focuses on the fundamentals. A basic project management course is perfect for employees who would benefit from an understanding of what being a project manager entails, while not necessarily being the focus of their role.

Some of the best project management courses for beginners include:

The above courses are also suitable for those looking for more information on how to start a career as a project manager .

Ready to enroll your employees in project management courses?

For more information on project management courses visit Go1 or book a demo today.

Project Management Courses

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