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Go1 host WomenHack in Brisbane

Sandra Klein

This week, Go1 hosted the first WomenHack event in Brisbane and we had an unforgettable and fun night!

The exclusive WomenHack event focuses on connecting talented female software engineers, UI/UX designers, and product managers with opportunities at tech companies around the world. At Go1, we believe it is important to empower women working in traditionally male-dominated industries, such as the tech and startup industries and we are always keen to talk to them about our opportunities at Go1.

Around 50 talented women joined Go1 and other attending companies to get to know each other better over wine and canapes. The atmosphere was relaxed and very inspiring as a diverse group of women exchanged experiences, interests and their diverse reasons for attending the event.

View all of the photos from WomenHack Brisbane here

The event itself was opened with a keynote speech by Go1’s Head of Product Liz Hardie. Liz has held a number of senior roles in the Product world and has been a role model to many aspiring and successful women in Brisbane.

Here at Go1, we have been working proactively on initiatives to increase our number of female employees and we are very proud to have managed to increase the total number of female employees by 11% within the last 5 months. At present, 30% of our total workforce is made up of women and we will continue to increase the number to be part of female success stories. The Go1 Product team is a pioneer in this regard with 62% of the team made up of women and 33% from a non-English speaking background.

After the opening keynotes, it was time for the ‘speed dating’ part of the night - every employer and female attendee had five minutes for a meaningful conversation.  

It was absolutely fascinating to learn more about everyone’s background and interesting experiences to date. Sometimes we got caught up talking about our passions outside work or what we are looking for in an employer. The five minutes were up far too quickly but hopefully, this was only the first chat of many to come!

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