Over the course of 2016 we have published a lot of great articles to help you understand more about learning and training, and how you can help take your business to the next level. Today we are taking a look back at the articles that our readers enjoyed the most throughout the year.
Our top articles for 2016 cover a wide range of topics, and we hope that you've enjoyed reading them as much as we have enjoyed writing them!
It is a fact that, for all well-performing organizations, developing employees isn’t just a HR problem anymore. It is an organization-wide strategic challenge directly tied to overall organizational performance and growth. However, the subject is so hard, convoluted and filled with deep change that most people find daunting just to start thinking about how to tackle it. Continue Reading
It doesn’t matter what industry you are in; sales are tough business. Over the past decade, the way in which sales teams operate has evolved at a rapid pace leaving teams scrambling to stay on top of their game. Online business has been a major factor in this evolution, and now the way in which we handle our initial calls with potential customers have become more critical than ever!
There are 6 steps that can be used to assist in creating a road map and a clear goal for your call. By applying these 6 steps I am confident your sales process, engagement levels and meetings will start to show signs of improvement. Continue Reading
If you could learn anything that you wanted within 20 hours, what would you learn? It might not sound like a long time, but a book titled ‘The First 20 Hours’ and accompanying TED talk from Josh Kaufman has shown that you through using rapid skill acquisition techniques you can go from knowing absolutely nothing, to performing at a high level of skill within a very short period of time. Continue Reading
As technology has advanced over the past decade, recording your own videos has become easier than ever! We all have a device that can record high definition video sitting in our pockets, yet most of us don’t know how to use these devices to their full potential. Video is now the go to communication tool across the world, and with a few tricks and some basic equipment, you can learn how to shoot professional quality video. Continue Reading
The way that we learn is constantly evolving, but as new tools that allow us to incorporate virtual and augmented reality into our learning become more accessible, we are entering a new age of learning. The Microsoft Hololens has just been released to developers and is a huge step forward in the augmented reality, but how will this impact our learning? We’re going to take a look and find out. Continue Reading
This is just a selection of the hundreds of articles that we have published over the last year, and if you would like to read more - head over to our website! We will be back next year with more tips and tricks, help guides, best practices and much more, and if you would like to be a guest writer on our blog, please contact us!